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Chanakya's New Manifesto – The blueprint for change

Life without books is unfathomable for me. I am much dependent on books for a large share of happiness and thanks for the good people (Authors, Publishing Houses, Bloggers’ Site) for sending me great books. Thanks to Blogadda for sending this one. Its been a learning and joyful experience. This one reinstates the faith that we still have good people around who want to do something really worthwhile for the large mass.

Book says— Love Me! Hate Me! Adopt Me! but Do Practice Me!

Some books are truly entertaining, some are just like fresh buns from the bakery, others make up a Sunday-Funday read and some to be discontinued with immediate effect. Each one has a charm of its own. There are also few that are written with a purpose, with a cause, with deep analysis and research. These kinds are not only meant to be read and talked about but also to be applied. We should truly respect all good work but this book calls for more than appreciation. The country we live in, is caught in the vicious clutches of corrupt governance and we are almost on the verge of losing identity as a whole. This one actually touches our most painful nerve and at the same time, it talks about a blueprint for change, everything starts looking promising and brightly lit up.

Our future is at stake!!!

Our country, its governance and its democracy are in troubled waters. Corruption and self-centered governance has crippled us and we are becoming functionally disabled day by day. We all know it but except cribbing, there is hardly anything that we do to improve the conditions. There is not one thing that needs a revamp but the whole society, the people and the laws driving it, everything needs a radical change. Where do we start the cleaning from?

There are 5 major road-blocks which need to be removed from our path of growth because its high time already. However the author accepts the truth, the challenges before us are huge. No government will cut its own legs. 

1. 57 interesting and educative changes are suggested to improve the quality and impact of Governance.

2. I was shocked to read the revelations about the cash inflow and outflow before and after elections. Democracy is in the hands of highly corrupt people. They eat, drink and breathe money. He has given 87 suggestive measures to  bring in the revamp.

3. 111 points that can be instrumental in forcing the government to act against Corruption. An unbeatable desire,  focused and realistic approach is needed to demand the change.

4. With issues like Security which is so vulnerable, India has not been at its toes. Criminals, terrorists from within and other countries have played around with the lives of our country-men like toys. 58 measures have been highlighted to tighten the loose ends.

5.Last but not the least, there are 41 points to emerge as an Inclusive society. Without societal consensus and concerns, the best leaders and perfect reforms will fail.  Somebody needs to listen to the people and look into their plight.

Indeed, it requires a humongous effort!

Expecting the change to happen on its own is the most foolish thing in today’s scenario. No magical mantras or talisman can be effective to change the minds of thousands of corrupt politicians and inefficient bureaucrats. The need of the hour is that the people of age group 18-35 gear up for a second revolution.

Any reform or measure (like what the citizens of India are demanding- Lokpal Bill), require nation-wide protests. Each and every young blood has to  come forward and fight for the cause.  The best display of crowd protest has been recently seen in the Delhi Rape case.


Its a blueprint for the change, India needs it because all its roots are in the soil of corruption. Very simple language has been used to put forward some very complex situations.  Nowadays, with shorter attention span , the book doesn’t require a cover to cover read. Rather any chapter can be picked and read at one’s convenience. There is lots to take from the book. Highly optimistic approach towards something which seems unachievable.  The best part is this book has something for everyone to read, learn and imbibe.


The book provides a crystal clear picture of our present status. What have we achieved and when and this is very useful because then comes the realization that we are neck deep in trouble. Our present status after 65 years of Independence is hopeless and the economy is totally screwed up. Great, highly effective, positive thoughts have been put together that promise to play a key role in our future.


It lists elaborate ways and measures to deal with the issues of the country but there isn’t much as to where do we start, how do we go about it? Is dealing with criminals, bureaucrats, politician nexus easy? In this country there is no value of live. One moment you may try to stand up against the evils and the next moment you may be dead.  Its a bad man’s world. We actually need a Chanakya too.


It definitely deserves a re-read and a must for all corrupt to fear and budding bureaucrats to think wise and be wise. A day will arrive soon when Chanakya’s political, administrative and social strategies will bring the much needed and highly awaited change- The BIG change!

🙂  😉

Thanks to author-diplomat Pavan K. Varma for writing something like this. He has written 19 books while this is the first one that I have read from him.  It has made me thoughtful and watchful of my actions and others as well.  I cannot hold myself from thinking that how our country would look once all the changes are implemented.  It will become easier to breathe because the present scenario is no less than being miserable and highly polluted.

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Programme for Indian bloggers by .Participate now to get free books .

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


2 thoughts on “Chanakya's New Manifesto – The blueprint for change

  1. Wow!! That was a detailed review. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just pull back Chanakya from the past and whip our country back into shape??

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