Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

SP MEET: Birthday celebrations @Udayan Ghar

Occasion– Social Potpourri’s (SP) 2nd birthday anniversary Celebration

Date: 7th April 2013

Venue: Udayan Ghar, 180 A,
First Floor,
Sant Nagar,
East of Kailash,
New Delhi- 110065

Timings: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Reached there a little late. Was greeted by bunch of enthusiastic kids and the SP club members/bloggers/creative people. They were all seated in the living room. One of their caretakers, Madam Isabelle told us few important things about Udayan Ghar and then there was no stopping back. The kids enthusiastically introduced themselves. It was heartening to hear some of their introductions told in fluent English. I looked around the house and could see it was well-kept, thus it felt good to see that they were being taken care well enough.

The most awaited and attractive part of the celebration was story-telling planned for the kids. It was adeptly handled by Deepti Pant Ma’am. She narrated the story of Kannu Deepak with great elan, decorating it all the way with personal and professional touches. Along with the kids, it left the grown-ups spell-bound too. Next followed the sketching and drawing session wherein the children were asked to sketch, draw, color anything that came in their mind related to the story. They captured beautiful themes with their imaginations. I was enjoying the coloris decorum of the house. During this time, I clicked pics and interacted with some of the kiddos there. What I liked most was that all of them were well-behaved and showed no inhibitions.

After the drawing session, the cake cutting ceremony took place topped up with the snacky bites. I shared some sweets and candies with the kids before leaving. The 3 hours were well spent and it took us closer to realities of life. There is so much that we can do for them from sharing to offering a helping hand.  🙂

The Social Potpourri celebration made my day. The collage below captures the mood, momentum and memories of the day perfectly.  🙂

Click to check more pics!

And then when I reached home nothing could stop me from penning it down.

Every Child Deserves A Chance Of Good Life!

“The twinkling eyes, the curious faces, the beautiful smiles and the excitement in the air have occupied my thoughts and mind for hours now. I visited an orphanage yesterday. The Udayan Care, home to 33 kids was the place where we met, and organized a small session of story – telling and drawing.

The place was packed with action when my friends of Social Potpourri (SP) decided to celebrate their venture’s 2nd anniversary with the kids who have no parents to look after them. The reasons for their abandonment maybe different or unique but presently they hold no importance in my thoughts. At the end of the day I am happy that they are being looked after well by some of the considerate and caring people of the society.

This was not my first time to an orphanage but I feel guilty that I have been ignorant on this front. My Mum would buy sets of notebooks, pencils, erasers and boxes of sweets on my birthday and take me to Surya, the nearby ‘children care-center’ to share and distribute it among those who did not have much. My first memories of the place were scary and had made me thoughtful for days. I remember asking her sadly – “Don’t these children have parents? She had said a plain and placid ‘No’.” I had felt a lump in my throat.

I had strengthened my hold on my Mumma’s hands, I knew how important she was for me

Asking no more I had strengthened my hold on my Mumma’s hands, I knew how important she was for me and my life without my parents was unimaginable. (Till date, it remains the same.) I remember, on day one I did not interact much with the kids, maybe it was out of fear or my hesitation because I had felt that these kids were different. However on the subsequent visits which happened after gaps of three or four months, I had even offered to share some of my old toys with the kids. We continued the birthday ritual of distributing sweets and notebooks but with other occupancies in life and changing priorities, these trips became lesser and lesser.

The memories flush down again; the first visit had made me sulk for few days. I had been lost because I was not able to accept the fact that some of the children did not have parents to look after them. I would wonder whom did these kids share their problems to, who looked after them, who hugged them when they cried, who bought them toys, who took them for outings or who cooked food for them… ? There were questions so many!! With time, I had got my answers.


To read more: Every Child Deserves A Chance Of Good Life!

The complete article was published in Parentous on 8th April 2013.


🙂 🙂 :):)

  • Parentous — The Princess Needs a Delicate Handling
  • Daddy’s Darling Daughter
  • Christmas, Santa and Kids!!
  • A Tribute to Mothers: MUMs will be MUMS… I love them all.

4 thoughts on “SP MEET: Birthday celebrations @Udayan Ghar

  1. True. Every child deserves a chance of a good life. If God did not give them that right at the time of the birth, those of us who are blessed with a good life can help others lead a good life. WOnderful initiative. Good luck 🙂

  2. Hats off to the people who dedicate their lives and open their hearts to others, like the folks at Udayan.

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