Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

‘My Unique Touch’ to the Bedroom with no decor rules!

Decor has no rules, let the creativity flow…

Bedroom is the term that has been closely associated with the room that houses a bed and is used to relax, sleep and unwind.  But in today’s times when the world is coming closer and we are worried about rising prices, huge rents, shrinking spaces, our houses are becoming small. My house is exactly one-fourth of my ancestral home where my paternal grandparents lived. All day we roamed around in the living rooms, dining room and my Dadi would open the bedrooms only in the late evening when it was time to retire. Today in our flats or houses, its only one drawing-dining and rest of the house is made up of bedrooms.

I love my BEDROOM intact, neat, less-cluttered and bright with colors!


As a child, I have always loved doing my room on my own. Even today when it comes to doing other house chores, I can come up with thousand excuses but I am always super enthusiastic about decorating the house, particularly my bedroom. I love it intact, neat and colorful! When I was married, I shifted in my in-laws house and believe me it wasn’t easy to adapt in a new space. But my new bedroom played the most comforting part.  It was the section of the house which made me feel-at-home fastest because I was allowed to style it the way I wanted.  Unlike white and sober colors dominating the decor of the other rooms, I played with colors in my room. First thing, I asked for brighter lights. Next, I bothered my husband with moving up of the furniture.  Finding too much clutter inside,  I did not mind shifting a few pretty items to the drawing room. Needed a light, ready to roll, easy to assemble ward robe and bought a fold-able one soon. Of course, with me soon my favorite books, paintings followed too. So now you know, there is one room in the house that reflects my choice and style absolutely.

Here are some Bedroom decorating ideas

  • Of course you cannot bring everything from your old bedroom thus use what you have in the new house
  • Pick a color scheme and go for its multi-shades- Get the vases, paintings and
  • The easiest way to change a bedroom is to go for a new bed.  Go for it only when you really need the change otherwise style it differently
  • Nowadays, wall decors or colorful wallpapers are adding a new zing to the room
  • Choose rightly and dress up the bed with vibrant and colorful bed-sheets
  • Keep a mix of modern and vintage- an old photo frame can be re-done with new pictures
  • Avoid sitting on the bed while reading, rather a comfortable lounge, settee or a recliner in one corner of the room makes a great idea
  • Flowers in the room add freshness to it always, place it as per the space available
  • One must avoid heavy furniture in the bedroom rather only one side table is in vogue
  • The word ‘matching’ is too yesteryear, now everything goes with everything you just need to have an eye for styling
  • Instead of keeping the book-shelf in the bedroom, keep some of your favorite books on the side table
  • A beautiful lamp lights up the entire look of the bedroom
  • If you have an artistic urge in you, make some hand-made wall-hanging or painting for the room, it adds to the uniqueness
  • A clutter-free bed room gives enough walking space as well as neat appeal too
  • In fact a chest of drawers can be a essential piece of furniture in the bedroom so that everything important, unimportant is not found lying around but in the allocated drawer sections
  •  A designer clock or a cuckoo clock must find a wall in your bedroom
  • Lots of pillows or less, that’s your choice
  • If family photographs are on the wall, use different visual configurations and not the usual behind the bed thing
  • Make it chic, Make it charming, make it like you want your bedroom to be
  • Don’t stick to one look for long and don’t wait for festivals, keep experimenting


Every Bedroom should reflect ‘My Unique Touch’

My room is a place where I read books, I write my blogs and I make my paintings too, thus I call it a creative room.  I feel my bedroom multiplies my energy and de-stresses me when needed. I often prefer it well-lighted. Flowers, lamp and books  are my personal favorite in my bedroom. I like it more when everything is stacked properly.  My room must be a blend of creativity and inspiration.

I chose to be a part of this #JustAClickAway campaign for my love for decorating my house and second Durian has been one of my favorite, where now I can shop online too.

Personally I like their interesting range, collections and style and I am glad they are supporting ‘Made in India.’ (90 % of their products are being made in India)


My favorite Bedroom style picked from the site of Durian


This is a sponsored post but my views are personal!

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