Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Book Review – The Inscrutable Americans

Pick this one, couple of pages down the line; I bet it will accelerate you to go further. THE INSCRUTABLE AMERICANS is hilarious and touchy. The protagonist Gopal, small town boy from Jajua (India) shares his first hand experience of America with real innocence and chivalry. The boy is intelligent but isn’t cool in the American style. This is a humorous plot of his goof ups and the wisdom he applies to overcome them. His day to day activities and the alien social surroundings would seem ludicrous. He is faced with petty issues, encounters some shocking people and his bewilderment towards the diverse culture. As he deals with them, I could identify with the underlying feelings of Gopal. His letters to his hometown added the smiles on my face 🙂 I especially loved the English in it falling apart with grammar.


Indians still take a pride in going ga-ga about their long distant relative who has moved to USA. They would talk endlessly about American comforts and its glories but shy away to paint the true picture- the tryst days of adapting to new culture. I am sure each one of them would have gone through their set of embarrassing, unavoidable and typical ‘Indian lost in America’ situations. The culture shock that one goes through is a part of one’s initial memories. The writer makes sure that Gopal talks it all and hits the bull’s eye. This book brings out the striking features of the diverse cultures with doses of laughter. A new place surrounded by new people isn’t easy to handle no matter where you come from.


The book is a pleasure to read. The writer has penned down the difference in American culture from ours in an uncomplicated flow of words. It talks about Amerikkkan names, girls, booze, parties, mother, landlord, friends, freedom, liberation etc. A pinch of communism, racism and terrorism adds to the flavor as well. The funny Indian references and the links Gopal tries to build up gives the tadka effect. He is attracted and open to the new culture but the Indian values and traditions hold in strong in him. It’s funny all the way but the real beauty is that you would end up empathizing with this boy and his videshi experiences. Though some of the instances are farfetched and Indians have grown out of it with time. It’s agreeable that one should adapt to the place and culture to the extent that it doesn’t distract you from your real goal.


It’s a book that touches the pulse and tickles the funny bone all at the same time .The book is cute, sweet and light read. It isn’t for the hardcore literature lovers but if you have a penchant for comedy, one would just fall for it. It revolves around a new comer’s pains of settling down in a new environment and indeed deserves sensitivity and understanding. I read it years back and just happened to see it at one of my favorite bookstores recently. The memories were refreshing and I revisited the funny instances all over again. It gave me the grin and chuckles multiple times as it promises to all.

The Inscrutable Americans is a book that must be read before or during your trip to America.

Happy Reading!!!

11 thoughts on “Book Review – The Inscrutable Americans

  1. I am Gopal
    Ahhh, that’s where the gas came from
    No, that was Bhopal
    Gopal Bhopal what’s the difference

    Lol 🙂

  2. @scandalgossip
    LOL 😉
    Its hilarious….
    Encounter with Ann who thought Gopal and Bhopal are the same 🙂 😉

  3. seems to be a nice option to read, will luk fr ths, but actually this is not just the case with America but rather every other country….atleat ths is wht i feel based upon experience…..

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