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Are you Reading the Right One Yet?

Read, Magazines, malaysian lounge

I came across this in the book that I am reading now, will reveal the name once I come up with its review, but the words keep coming back again and again when ever I meet a non-reader. There are people who love books and others who loathe it. Which one are you?


If you fall in the latter category, read the highlighted lines very carefully. It’s for all those people who have never explored the joy of reading. There’s a myriad collection of books and the fun and learning can only be extracted by reading them. The lines go like this –


“If you say you do not love books, you have not found the right book yet.”

I completely agree with this one. These words so wisely mean that it all depends on what you start reading. Firstly the reader has to make up his mind to read but choosing the right book is equally important otherwise the love for it would never develop.


I am sure U and Me love reading because we started with the right books. Had we been given just anything, the bond would have never grown. I loved the first book and hence began to recognize the charm and wonder of books, thus gradually giving in to the reading virus. It happens even today, if my last book is a pleasant one, I crave for another one to grab almost instantly. But if the book fails me in the depth or interest, I become extra careful with the next one before I start. It happens because we love to do what we like and vice versa.



The more one reads, the better a person one becomes. There is so much to be learnt and known and it cannot be done without our friends i.e. books. There is an entire world to be visited and books take you on a journey all along. I am surprised why people keep themselves aloof from something so captivating and miraculous. Read and share the joys of reading. Look for the right book and I am sure you will not be disappointed.



Happy Reading!

We should read to give our souls a chance to luxuriate. ~Henry Miller

9 thoughts on “Are you Reading the Right One Yet?

  1. i echo ur thoughts, as i hv experienced this myself…. long back when someone suggested to develop reading habit i bragged just any book (so it was for me then) and shut it not even mid way n then ever tried to read only years later, and this time the book made me crave for more… but yes now i am very careful about reading only after going through reviews….
    Reading is like diving in the ocean of innovations(done n waiting to be done)

  2. @invincible

    “Reading is like diving in the ocean of innovations”
    So very true…. 🙂
    Me too select and read carefully and thus the love for books multipies every time.

  3. @Vajresh

    Hey thanks so much for adding it to ur blogroll…I am happy u found interest in my blog. 🙂

  4. but the bechara ‘first time reader’ (although i m not one)is still lost even after the article that, which books to hunt and where…the next one to follow must b on…’A book for every mood’ giving suggesstions about which books to pick up…hwz tht? we all know how sometimes the wrong book at a wrong time spoils any chances of picking up any other book ever…few texts are good enough that they sure can cheer you up in any case what so ever…

  5. @DpS
    Hey deepika, Thanks for following the blog regularly… it acts as a grt moral booster .. 🙂

    Will for sure try to bring something for the first time readers, something like u said– books that go for all moods…

  6. i was asking for some motivation n in the very next blog got that…
    i have read 5-8 books bt still dont habitual of it. coz i havent developed love for reading till nw…
    one of my frnd also said the same things to me long back.
    n i agree with “DpS” that first time readers will stucked there only…

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