Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Daddy Taught Me!!!

This one below, straight from the heart won me a prize.. Yayy!!

10 life lessons I learnt From Daddy Β  πŸ™‚

Ten is too less a number,
when twenty eight years it has been.
Each day he has smiled, supported and stood steady,
oh yes! He is the first charming man of my life, my Daddy.

When I was one and I cried incessantly,
On the sleepless nights, he would cuddle and sway me,
The arms ensured comfort and love oozed all around,
The magical hands would not rest until they put me to sleep.
Lesson learnt: You have to be for the loved ones!

When the maid’s daughter had no clothes
He said, share some of your clothes sweetheart,
He has always been a keen observer.
I learnt to share and be considerate to the needy.

When I was five,
He introduced me to a friend for a lifetime,
It was papyrus stuff called a ‘book’.
Daddy only talked good about them,
And I learnt it clear, Befriend Books!

When my Mum got in an argument with him,
He would give a mild peck to her,
And she would blush…
Lesson learnt: Love wins Anger!

When I won laurels in the school,
He would congratulate and motivate me.
But he never discussed it more nor mentioned it again,
He taught me a lesson, let not win or loss affect you.
Get hurt less!

When the relatives bragged and acted funny,
I would detest meeting the showy people.
He would only say, we are a society,
Each person is different dear,
You got to not form perceptions,
Be good to everyone!

Moving to the hostel was tough,
My eyes were full of tears and his eyes were dew,
He hugged me and only said,
Attitude defines life..
He asserted, College is the best place to set your attitude.

When I missed the job of my choice,
I felt dejected and rejected.
He put his hands around my shoulder,
And was quick to put me in peace,
There’s definitely something better to come.
I thought he joked,
But I was wronged by his conviction,
as I made it big at other place.
Lesson learnt: Believe in Yourself, believe in the Supreme Power, believe in your Parents!

At the time of my marriage,
He told me something unforgettable,
You are a big one now and its time to change,
Change for the good but don’t make an attempt to change people around you.

When I am lost in the vagaries of life,
When I fail to balance gain and pain,
When I know not the path to take,
I call my Daddy,
He smiles and knows it well what to say,
Pain is for the good to make your realize the essence of No-pain!
Let it just pass… its about life!!!

πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Daddy n Me

β€˜I am writing β€˜10 life lessons I learnt from my father’ atΒ Parentous.comβ€˜

28 thoughts on “Daddy Taught Me!!!

  1. Your poem was sooooo real and so touching…loved loved loved it!!!! All the best…I hope you win πŸ™‚

    1. Thank u soo much Neelima.. Its my pleasure having you here and wanting me to win… M glad πŸ™‚

  2. if u r kind , ppl may accuse u of selfish, ulterior motives ; be kind any way. if you are successful , you will win some false frns and true enemies; succees anyway…..if you are the honest and frank , ppl may cheet you ….than also b honest and frank anyway….if you find serenity and happiness , they may b jealous; b happy anyway…..the good you do today ppl with forget u tmrow; but still u keep doing good nyway……you will c un the final analysis of lyf , it is always between you and god ; it waa never between you and them anyway………believe you me…..believe in your self……tc

  3. beautiful !!
    like time passes by .. and like preachers know when is a student ready for the next lesson . has your father .. shared words of wisdom with you ..
    Very Inspiring post Lady !
    All the very best for the contest πŸ™‚

  4. you have this gift of beautifully expressing your feelings in words … really touching … daddy is the best

  5. Pingback: '10 Life Lessons I Learnt From My Fathers winners' announced
  6. Salute him! Your father must be very delighted to get to know your thoughts. πŸ™‚ Keep smiling! πŸ™‚

  7. Pingback: Daddy Taught Me!!! | SariDreams...

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