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Sweet Little Room for the Cute one

Wall Mural

2nd September is my niece’s first birthday and we are all very excited. She has been a bundle of joy for all these months. We love to kiss her, cuddle her, pamper her and more and now its time when she will move from the club set of months to an ‘Year old Gurl’. Wow!  We are all so anxious to see her crawl, walk and then run around but there is time to all of it. I am just rushing into things..

Her birthday is a big day for all for us. We have been planning a number of things for her, the birthday dress, the party theme, gifts, guests and lots more. Of course she is the apple of the eye of her parents but she isn’t less for me. She is adorable. I so love to play with her and watch her antics.

When everyone is planning to buy lavish gifts for her, I wish to do something different. I want to decorate her room in the most adorable fashion. Now that the little one is growing, there is so much that catches her fancy. She looks here and there all the time and is attracted to bright colors more than others. How about giving her a beautiful palette of colors and patterns all around her?

I want to decorate a beautiful thematic room for her and I have come to know about Make my Home, a decor website just at the right time.  I have delicately selected three items which symbolize Fun, Family and Femininity for my girl of one!


Smiley Clock that inspires her to SMILE always.

The HAPPY JUNGLE Wall Murral that shows a HAPPY FAMILY. The Beautiful Pink Bedsheet that symbolizes Femininity. She is growing up as a Dora Doll.




The Orange Clock with blue and large bright eyes,
Happily perched high on the wall is meant to make her smile always and keep her cherubic,
I wish the Murral on the Wall showcasing the sweetest animals of the jungle,
inspires my cute one to grow up loving animals and her family.
The beautiful pink Dora bed-sheet,
Will always put my cute little Doll to a warm and cozy sleep.
The versatile colors in the room,
Together will ensure that she has a ball of a time growing up each day.





The above three house decor items look just perfect for my niece’s room.

This post is a part of Makemyhome activity at

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