A contest at INDIBLOGGER in association with WECHAT
Its all about TALK-TALK
Its not a chat show but a new awards function sponsored by WECHAT. The uniqueness of this award is that the winner is not chosen by votes or friendship but by being active on Wechat and how religiously and frequently he/she uses the application to be connected with the people of the Vollywood Fraternity, the panel judges, sponsors and of course, the audience. The more you TALK, higher are the chances of being rated as Number 1.
WECHAT AWARDS are here and I am one of the lucky audience on the panel who has won a chance to connect with the leading actors. As the name suggests, the one who TALKS sensible, reasonable and obviously more than the other deserves to win. The Actors/Actresses will have to talk to the chosen one’s at different times and answer their questions. This is the first chat session where I will connect and chat with the seven of my favorite heartthrobs of the very own Vollywood. I have invited them all at the same time and connected with them all to begin our session of chit chats. Each of them is busy in shooting for their films across the globe, however they have spared their time for this voice chatting, first of its kind. Therefore I thank them for their time.
Yeah!! WECHAT is about chatting WITH ANYONE, ANYWHERE.
Let me reveal the names first. They have no resemblance to the people living or dead.
1. Aif Khaan
2. Mir Khaan
3. Almaan Khaan
4. Nidya Balaan
5. Vaishwarya Bachhaan
6. Areena Kapur
7. Wahrukh Khaan
As we all know that the film industry has been dominated by the Kapurs, Khaans and Bachchaans. So we have big names from all the three families. Aifu Khaan and Areena Kapur have been recently married. Nidya Balaan and Viashwarya Bachchaan are back from flaunting their dresses from Cannes. Mir Khaan, Wahrukh Khaan and Almaan Khaan can never be found at the same place. They simply aren’t fond or tolerable of each other, however WECHAT AWARDS have ensured that they will come together on one platform. Its simply one of the WOW moments when I am connected with all of them. My favorite one is here too. 🙂
M: Welcome to this round of tete-a-tete with Panel audience. Hey Everyone, I am glad to be connected with each one of you on WECHAT. As you all know we will have some questions and answers round with each one of you. You may counter and support each other as well. I would like to put the first one for Aif Khaan.
M: How is marriage coming along? How would you convince the audience that you are fit for the number one slot?
Aif Khaan: This marriage is a happier one, better than the first one of course. Well I believe I am number one because I am married to the Heroine who never accepts anything less than the number one. She is the self-declared leading actress herself. This proves I am number one.
Areena Kapur: I love you Aifu baby. I am born to be number one and since you are with me, you too win the slot bade aram se. 🙂
M: Why do you say you are born to be number one Madam Areena Kapur ?
Areena Kapur: Its very simple, I have a grand family and everyone put together makes half of the industry. If they all connect on WECHAT and I am sure it is me who will win with great connects. Also I have no time to make babies and I am totally concentrating on my career. My hard work keeps me on slot one.
Nidya Balaan : Being Number one is about handling Dirty Picture. I know what sells and I deserve that place. It is just that I am enjoying the new phase of my marriage, ofcourse with my hubby, the big producer. It is so much fun but I will be back soon in my Real Avatar. You will get loads of entertainment, entertainment and entertainment.
M: So what about the Khaans who are getting controversial, making six-packs and getting operated for back surgeries?
Wahrukh Khaan : M…M.. M… IPL is over and I am back in full-swing to score sixes riding high on Express trains. The back surgery has been successful and I can dance in every marriage party if you are willing to afford me. I am dedicated to entertain and just entertain. Indeed, only Sex and Wahsukh Khaan sells. And you must not forget I win awards at every award function, so it has to me. Girls are mad about me.
Almaan Khaan : I am gymming for more than six hours a day. I have dedicated my life to Vollywood that I have not had any time to marry. All my girl-friends have gone and settled with other people. I am not shooting real deers anymore nor am I driving rashly. Now I am only left with making paintings. I am a Dabbang Number one.
Mir Khaan : I respect everyone here and I have nothing to fight for. I stand for truth and would just say Satyamev Jayate. I am not in the rat race. I am only here to live my father’s dream. ‘Beta bada naame karegea.’ I have no time for award functions but I respect their decision. WECHAT is nice, I must say. Also, I respect my first wife and I respect my second wife as well. My work will speak for itself.
Vaishwarya Bachhaan : There is none who is as internationally famous as me. I am the face for so many brands. My father in law has no match at all, he is the ShehenShah of Vollywood and my daughter is already walking red carpet around the globe. By default, it has to be me in the coveted position.
M: Thank You all!! It was fun to hear you all say your part. Here, we end the first chat session of this tete-a-tete.
We are thankful to our sponsors WECHAT. Some of the unique features of WECHAT are :
- Cross Platform
- Free of Cost
- Video and Voice Chat
- Lots of features
- Perfect Messaging Application
WeChat is the No. 1 mobile messaging app for smartphones. CLICK HERE.
WeChat’s Youtube channel.
Hey M, Nice post. I really like how you connected with some super [un]-knows celebs. All the best for the contest
Take a look @ Mine HERE
Thanks Ankita… It was fun creating un-known celebs…
Even the names of your chat partners are hilarious! Loved the post, Manjulika… all the best for the contest!
Arvind Passey
Thank you Sir… I am glad you came around and liked my fictional characters… 🙂
hahaha!! super cool…everything…!! 😀
ha ha.. that was funny.. plus so much fun reading it.. all the best 🙂
Visit mine here –> A Rat’s Nibble
Hahahah….Fun to read..I loved the names 😉
Thanx Deepti 🙂
Fun read!!
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Goood! Really enjoyed this one!