Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

My first one: Frizzy to fantastic

Indiblogger Meet, #Frizzfreehair, Vatika bloggers meet, Hair Oil
 This is a guest post from my friend Priyanka Purkaystha and now she takes charge of this blogpost!


 Inner voice
I was thrilled, graciously invited for this super duper event in Mumbai – Vile Parle. Carrying my very own @prankyy attitude, I went for my first blogger event. Yes, you heard it right. My very first one. And this is not my blog where you are reading my piece. Actually I don’t even have a personal one yet. Yet I wrote this one super quickly in the hope that my dear friend @manjulika5 will post this in lieu of a lunch in Mumbai? May be?  


 Me, My Hair & Dabur Vatika 
I am a certified jhalli (means someone not too bothered much about how she dresses up) and this very casual attitude towards dressing & make up is often pointed out to me by my near & dear ones (my mother(s) specially). In my defense, I would say I genuinely make efforts to match up their expectations on the best days. I try my best to dress appropriately for the special occasions. 


Unlike the usual, today I am tempted to talk about my style and looks because the Saturday that’s just gone-by was spent talking about hair, lifestyle and beyond.  I got an opportunity to attend a ‘woman only’ bloggers meet. It was a launch event for Dabur Vatika’s new hair oil and I had a great time with one of the biggest blogging community in India – Indiblogger. 


Now coming to my hair, it has its own stories to tell. It is an integral part of my identity, the tom boy – bob cut look to the never ending bad hair days to my current sorted corporate chick – straight hair look, they have come a long long way in the last 3 decades. But what hasn’t changed so far is the chumpi regimen for them. Yes once-a-week for minimum half-an-hour, I oil my hair. This event re-iterated the importance of the habit that I will never let go. No less, we talked around more than one ways to maintain a good hair.   A super cool blogger suggested – live stress free life! Bingo! Makes sense totally.

So tell me, who doesn’t want a soft silky , healthy #Frizzfreehair? Frizz by the way is a condition of unmanageable, unruly hair because of high or low humidity, hair damage etc. And you definitely need something that helps to tame unruly hair & balances oil moisture. 
And here comes the solution, Frizzy to fantastic hair! Dabur Vatika, the expert in hair care since ages, claims to do all that and more. The Jasmine fragrance, silicon oil for smoothness, everything put together makes it an advanced coconut hair oil.
Time for some chumpi then? Go for it or get it done, in lieu of …lunch may be? 


And yes did I mention, the lunch & the Indiband was awesome. This was my first bloggers meet and I enjoyed it to the core. Spending an afternoon in the company of bloggers was great fun. Last but not the least, the hospitality and the personal touch that was put in by the Indiblogger team impressed me and deserves a special mention too. Btw I got so engrossed in the fun that I forgot to click pictures. Thanks to the Indi team, there is an album to enjoy.
Picture courtesy- Indiblogger Album


More about myself…

Like I mentioned above, I do not have a personal blog but I must talk about my beautiful abode ‘Writersmelon’. It brings Manjulika and me together.  Well, its not intentional but yes we make a rocking all women team with another lovely friend PRB.  And now I will reveal why I felt an urge to blog about my first bloggers meet because we at ‘Writersmelon’ believe in celebrating the ‘first’ and lately we have been asking everyone around When was the last time , you did something for the first time?’ Why? The below tweet will sum that for you.



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