Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Lovelets~Words for the Heart~

All About Books Global and Butterfly & the Bee have crafted a beautiful book called Lovelets.

It boasts of 71 heartfelt poems or words of verse and 10 stories that talk of the most affable emotion Love.

The beautiful work of the best of poets from across the globe will make you miss a beat as love and its moments take you for a stride.

Its delicate, its vibrant, it lovely, it makes you yearn and long for the loved ones!

The memories of mesmerizing midnight kiss revisit and the intoxicating spirit of love spills over.

The reader registers the pain, feels the pangs of irresistible love, hears the silent whispers as he/she leafs through the pages….

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

And then I feel proud too, to be associated with this lovely collection,

not just as a reader but as a contributor.

Waiting for my readers to delve in my story and let me know,

what they think of when I have a tale to tell which goes as below…

Something About The Day or Love?

Lovelets ~Words for the Heart~

You may buy it at


🙂 🙂 🙂

Happy Reading!!!

9 thoughts on “Lovelets~Words for the Heart~

  1. Way to go M 🙂 Very happy for you… Many congratulations. Will lay my hands on the book as early as possible.

  2. Hey manjulika, i had really liked your story…i had rated it 4 on 5. Wait for my review.

    -Ritesh Agarwal.

    I was also a part of the book 😉

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