Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Poetry Collection: Chords of Life

Author: Angad Singh Saluja

🙂 🙂 🙂


It is about:  Experiences


A thought-provoking one….  Railway Track!  In my perception, it depicts path of life and its nature of moving on.

Chords of life is a nice title.


This one is a decent collection of long and short poems which resonate with bits and bytes of life and its instances. The rhythm and combination of words have been intermingled in very simple language but with great elan and sensitivity towards day to day happenings and relationships of life.

       The poems are interesting, true to the core, enjoyable and fun to read. There are different sections in the book as well -‘Life and Me,  Life and Relations , Life and Survival’. There are poems of all kinds. Some are story kinds and a few mere ten liners.


Easy and  comprehensible. The moment you read it, you connect with it immediately. There is one line in each poetry creation which definitely reminds you of your experience of life. Its got ups and downs of life, the relationships, love and friendship and much more. The chords of life covers everything from road, rails, misery, beauty, life’s sense of Humor, Water, World peace, Global warming, Night, Dusk , Dawn etc. Good to read the subjects and topics that were interestingly chosen. Each poem is written with a heart and true feeling. 


More of a personal compilation. Rhythm and beat is not great. Misses on great poetic jargon too. Too many put together. Some of the poems are very good, some are good and some are no so good. They could have been filtered out.

Read and Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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