Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Here is the fun of having a Tablet!

Book, Tablet, Dell, Venue 7

I love the combo… A thriller Book and my DELL VENUE 7


I aren’t talking about the colorful pills that are our saving grace in times of immunity fights but the device that has come to add power to the gizmo world. The discussions are on and people are debating where does it fall and what will it replace. But I have a whole new perspective to add, a tablet is born to provide convenience to our eyes and our arms. I say eyes because for reading and writing, tablet is absolutely comforting in comparison to our phones and in case of bulkiness its a relief over the laptop which cannot be carried everywhere. Moreover, a tablet is empowered to do most of the things that a phone and a laptop do for us. However, its not about having one and not the other, its the age of having all the devices.. watsay!!!

Gmail on the go!

I have been exploiting the full potential of my device, the one that has been provided to me to make the best of it.  For last two months I have been using the Tablet and I have noticed that it has helped me organize my things better. The calender helps me to plan my time table and keeps me aware of my meetings and blogging events.  Its so handy and light that I love carrying it wherever I go.  I may go for a walk, sit in a park,  go to a coffee shop, a restaurant or a friend’s house, I carry my tablet.  As a blogger I feel more powerful and proficient with it tucked in my bag.

While traveling in the cab, its so easy to check the TOI app first thing in the morning. I have never bothered to open my laptop for the same and I am aren’t fond of straining my eyes on my phone. Somehow a phone for me is still only about making a call and chatting with friends on watsapp, however there is more to it no doubt. But since the tablet love has happened, nothing seems pretty.  Making notes is another very useful thing that I have come to enjoy lately. At any point of time if I am bombarded with ideas, I pull out my tab and just begin typing. In a matter of fifteen seconds I know my  thoughts are safe and sound and I can come back to them anytime. 

Have you tried blogging with your tablet yet?

My Dell Venue tablet allows me to blog on the go. I really don’t have to wait to return to laptop to put my thoughts together.  For a writer, losing a thought is the most dreadful of all things and it happens almost each day.  Now I know what to do with my thoughts.  I have tried writing complete posts on my tablet. Honestly, wordpress is the most visited app on my Dell Venue 7.  Its too difficult to write a blog post on a smartphone and for writing on a laptop one needs to be stuck on that chair inside a room. A tablet gives you the freedom to roam about and write at your own pace. One need not write an elaborate piece but can always write fragments of sentences.

WordPress is fun now from anywhere, anytime on DELL VENUE 7

Tablet isn’t a replacement for a laptop.  No, it wouldn’t be so easily because laptop is big and supports too many things but of course a tablet is a useful tool that has its own identity and needful-ness. One shouldn’t be asked to choose between the two because they both have their utilities. Savor this thought, capturing a picture and writing a short expression about it comes much easier on a tablet than on a laptop if you are traveling.  The tablet saves you from ending up in boring bus and train journeys. There is so much to do with it and when there isn’t you can always do what you love most, blog about the experience. There isn’t a better timing to it.


In the park after the jogging when I sit down to rest on the bench,  I never let go the chance of some mental exercise just after the physical one.  A game of SUDUKO  is all that my heart and brain needs.  In the very next moment, I fish out the tablet from my pocket and the picture above is enough to elaborate what happens next. I aren’t done until I have played a few games consecutively. 

The new crush that I have come to experience lately is of discovering apps that can help me in the kitchen to my office work.  I have learn t basic photo and film editing too. I know I have started late but I am enjoying the fun. Reading magazines, watching a video and making photo collages all seem very exciting to me with some super cool apps available in the market. Everyday I have something new to download and experiment with.

My DELL VENUE 7 loaded with applications

Yes, the  subject-line of my next post must be—-

Pretty Pretty Applications sit on my Tablet.

Happy Blogging!!!

3 thoughts on “Here is the fun of having a Tablet!

  1. Unfortunately my tablet was not allowing me to install WordPress for Android in it, and hence I switched back to my mobile phone only and enjoying it. It is a fantastic app, though I cannot blog from there, as my blogs are such for which I must need a PC to upload. But yes, it gave me a good benefit, I can save blogs in drafts and later publish them as per my schedule 🙂 Even when I am traveling I can do so.

    BTW congratulations for your tablet…

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