Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Wella Event: Fun, Fashionable,Friendly to Hair and more…

Today, Saturday was all about networking and learning about hair fashion. It was not the lazy one like other times… 😉

I was invited by Ripple links to their event at the Wella International Studio at Select City Walk, Saket, New Delhi. In the last few months,I have been looking forward to getting my hair colored but then the inhibitions have refused to leave my mind.  They have been there for always because there have been people, their myths and experiences that colors damage, hurt, react etc etc…. So it was important to know the truth and bust the clinging assumptions. So what best than getting to hear it from Maria Castan, a Senior Scientist at Procter & Gamble from Darmstadt, Germany.

How it started…

The event started off well. The bloggers from the fashion world were at one place and I was scared if the bibliophile would be the odd one out, however it did not turn out that way. After all fashion is all around and who doesn’t love to carry off well. So I am no different… After hearty and meaty introductions, we had a great session from the lady from Germany who works in the labs and knows the world behind the chemical reactions. It was actually quite convincing to hear from the horse’s mouth.

The truth unravels….

Maria was sweet and simple. She came straight to the point, putting it very clear that there is nothing like natural color because it does not have the ability to give a permanent color, but then there are ingredients and ways through which we can definitely know how the damage can be avoided. Some of the useful points picked by me during the session.

  • Wella has been in hair color for about 130 yrs.
  • Hair color has two components, Dye (Color pigmentation) + Alkanizer
  • Two alkaline products have been in market, Ammonia and MEA.
  • Ammonia, MEA added with oxidant is the spoiler.
  • Among the two, Ammonia is far better.
  • MEA being less volatile, odorless and its high concentration is more harmful.
  • Ammonia evaporates and thus is less harmful.
  • Alkaline product is used to open up the cuticles, so that’s like increasing the PH from 5.5 to 10 or 11.
  • Just like skin, we have protection layer called lipids.
  • Hair Lipids are better protected with Ammonia.
  • For semi permanent MEA can be fine, but not for Permanent hair color.

So there was honesty which worked for me. Maria was not selling her product rather she was there to speak about the truth behind the color. I must say it was good on Wella’s part to come up with something like this. It also gave us a chance to peek into the science and chemical terminologies that work behind our hair color. Now, I know the ingredients and the mixtures which can be damage free and can make my hair look all colorful and trendy. The scare is gone to quite much extent….. so you can see me with trendy tresses soon enough. 🙂

I love their tagline : Ammonia free is not damage free!!! That’s the truth.

Wella Color Provides Superior Damage Protection.   🙂

Had a great day!! Did I tell you, I did some live blogging too.   🙂  😉

 Last but not the least…

Wella India Facebook Page launched with the bloggers today and that was indeed a cool way to start off something new…

Happy Blogging folks  🙂

4 thoughts on “Wella Event: Fun, Fashionable,Friendly to Hair and more…

  1. great write up Manjulika! Had great fun there and it was a pleasure meeting you. Keep writing.

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