Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

How about the Twitter proposal this valentine?

Love, proposal, Twitter

@My love    Be mine, Come Twitter way! Lets #Closeup this #VDay.

Wow, how cool it would be if my sweetest tweet for my guy trended! I would love to surprise him in my creatively put 140 words.  If he’s right in front of me, I am sure it would be a pleasure to see his reaction. What fun it would be to wait for the reply and gradually when our friends would retweet and favor the gesture. If in case, its long distance, it wouldn’t matter because I would be able to propose sharp at 12.   And then the tweeting that would follow would be exciting.

But it ins’t easy until your valentine is a social media chap or atleast has an account. Thank God, a few months ago, my guy agreed to join twitter and is gradually getting a hang of the birdie talk.  Yes, he checks the trending updates and tweets…

If you ask me, I would say I love the whole social media jazz and my latest crush is the birdie that makes you say things in 140 words.

Our story is that while I am smitten by the smart phone concept, the digital hype, the micro-blogging hullaboo, my guy has maintained distance from it all. He has been of the thought that smartphones have come to make us dumb and social media is all glitz and glamour. Altogether he isn’t much of a social person but thankfully in the past years I have succeeded in convincing him that face-book does help in keeping in touch with friends and family near and far. To my friend list of 800 people, he still stands at a meagre 171 but he is picking up.

I often reiterate, that social media and the technology advancements help in long relationships. When he travels, I always ask him to check my updates at least once in a day. Ofcourse he complies but only once in a week. I am happy atleast he does it without complaining. Though lately Facebook has begun to lose its charm, twitter is going guns. I like the freedom of expression that it has lend to us.

So this Valentine’s day, I will play tweet tweet game with my love. I will take him for a casual date one day before, maybe we will return home a few minutes before 12. I will ensure my data package is working all cool.  And will tweet the sweetest proposal his way.

Of course I will not copy paste but think of something really mushy and cheesy. I want to entangle him in my play of 140 words.  And nothing like it if I get an acceptance from him in another most perfect tweet.  It he replies instantly, it would be one awesome thing!!!!

No follows back needed, No hassle, no excuse of saying I didn’t see and no fear of getting rejected, I will go twitter way this Valentine day….

My post is for Happy Hour with CloseUp Cupid Games.

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