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‘REAL BEAUTY is U and Me’

I have written this post for Yahoo! India and Dove “I Believe in Real Beauty” under the topic “What does real beauty mean to me?”I have grown up with the old adage ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. In the true sense, Real Beauty is deeply perceptual. It is measurable and admirable by the sensual gratification of the senses or of the mind.

Everything that glitters and is pricey like diamond or gold is not real beauty for me. To me real beauty is synonymous to simplicity, purity, and authenticity. It is a conglomeration of entities that are universal, natural and eternal. It soothes the eyes, lends pleasure to ears and gives meaning to life .The real beauty is unconquerable and unending. It has a charismatic mystery about it that arouses an exalted state of mind and soul.

One may ask who has the real beauty. I would insist ‘I have it’ and ‘You have it too’. Everyone is blessed with a unique beauty and we all embody the real beauty. In fact, we thrive on it and it’s omnipresent. To be blessed with physical beauty is love of God but to possess the inner real beauty and make the most of it is Godly. Beauty is more than just being skin deep and it enhances with the wellness of our mind, body and spirit.


As my Dad has always quoted—‘Beta, if you will feel beautiful from within, No matter what, you will definitely outshine those with the external beauty.”


 For me Real beauty is our positive attitude towards life. It is showcased in our strength to fight back and the determination to go on till the eleventh hour. It is about unearthing the goodness and overcoming the weaknesses in oneself. Real beauty is about indelible confidence and grit of mind. It glorifies with our knowledge, learning’s and freedom of thoughts. It is more about empowering ourselves to prepare for the worst and less of fearing the inadequacies. The real beauty is the purity of spirit and the sanctity of thoughts. It is the passion to move ahead and hold the hands of the one in need.  Self love, self respect, self acceptance and selfless acts nurture real beauty in us.

 To me ‘REAL BEAUTY is U and Me.’

  ‘BEAUTY is the Black and White within U and Me.’

 ‘BEAUTY is the Enigma of Life that holds U and Me.’

 ‘BEAUTY is the Addictive Smile that ties U and Me.’

 ‘BEAUTY is the Unconditional love of U and Me.’

 ‘BEAUTY is the Traveled miles between U and Me.’

‘BEAUTY is the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of U and Me.’


‘U’ here is my mother, my father, my soul mate, my friends and you all who have made me feel beautiful ever. This is what REAL BEAUTY is because it is the unconditional love that beautifies me each day and I dare to reach the epitome that lies high. If ‘U’ do not make me aware of my real beauty, ‘Me’ would never know.

 ‘ME’ is the mortal, who insists that beauty is the strong belief in oneself. It encompasses my looks, intelligence, sincerity, strength, love, respect and weakness. I get beautiful everyday if I use my divine blessings gracefully and let not my weaknesses falter me. I may wear the spectacles but my eyes tell not the false. I may have a twitched lip but my words may not hurt anyone. I may have a clownish nose but I appreciate the fragrance of wet soil. I may have a face that is scarred but my power to fight back is the ‘real beauty’ in me.

 Real beauty and I is inseparable forever.

I have tried to capture the real beauty with the help of colors.  🙂

I do not have an hour glass figure and a shining face but I am proud to be myself . My real beauty comes from the books that I read and it lies in my wandering, creative, artistic, loving and intelligent mind.

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22 thoughts on “‘REAL BEAUTY is U and Me’

  1. beautiful write-up dear…
    we all have innate goodness/simple n pure heart somewhere deep inside us which gives us the best of everything in our lives, unforgetable memories,lovely relationships, great satisfaction while helping a needy one…..
    howsoever time has changed, people have changed but this real beauty still holds its own value….
    keep it up

  2. “To be blessed with physical beauty is love of God but to possess the inner real beauty and make the most of it is Godly.” Excellent piece! Everyone knows that beauty isn’t skin deep but we keep forgetting it in the rush of are day to day affairs and you my dear bring home this point so beautifully!

  3. @Ismita—Thnx ‘Love On The Rocks’ fame writer friend 😉
    @Soutik— Loved the appreciation… 🙂

  4. i am totally bowled over..more by the content of it..aptly summarizes what the real beauty is..being the shining light in the dark..lifting others up along with oneself..being a wonderful human definitely goes beyond what our senses experiences now and then..

  5. Hi Dear,

    “For me Real beauty is our positive attitude towards life”………..heart touching Line………Really awesome………….keep it up.

  6. @Robin–‘bowled over’— kya baat hai…I concur ‘it goes beyond what our senses experience now and then’

    @Rishi–thnk u for sparing time to read.

  7. I have read quite a few posts on the same topic due to this contest. All in all, they say the same thing, and i don’t blame anyone for similar ideologies. This is what we all bloggers assume beauty to be. We’re good heart people. Aren’t we?
    The cake is same as others but the cherry is amazingly sweet. I really loved your description of ‘ME’. That certainly stands apart. Keep working!
    Good job!

  8. Nice reading your thoughts…indeed describing beauty in a few words is an impossible task. It is a feeling, a desire, a sense of the mind and the best part of the beauty is in the goodness attached to it. No matter what you do, if you do it from your heart with a desire to be beneficial to somebody, however small it may be will look beautiful.

  9. hmm…. in short everything is beautiful na.. u ve connected beauty with everything in life.. nice :)!!! just a thought entered my mind ..some days when i dont see beauty around may be i should change the glasses..!!

  10. Hey thnks Gv sparx..
    We all are people with gud heart, thats the beauty that we need to exhibit rather than the external one.. 🙂

    Thanks Kalyan— “No matter what you do, if you do it from your heart with a desire to be beneficial to somebody, however small it may be will look beautiful.” quite well said…. the lines itself are so beautiful.

  11. Thanks Samson— the thought is soo true… if u dont notice beauty everyday, u dont only need to change the glasses, infact life would lose its meaning.. beauty keeps us on our toes 🙂

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