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Social Potpourri Meet-Up !!! SAFETY COMES FIRST!!!

Blogger, Manjulika, Travel

Come 9th March 2013, and I am all excited to join the below event.

Event Name:  SP Blogger's Meet
Brought To You By Safety Kart
Place:  Safdarjung Development Area,  New Delhi

SP stands for Social Potpourri. What a unique name! Isn’t it ?

SP is a a close-knit group of the like-minded people.  It is a platform for small businesses, bloggers, writers, thinkers and definitely all the creative ones.  Its a great place for networking, for a cause, for a passion and last but not the least for fun.


Agenda of the Meet

In the present meet we are planning to basically chill over wine and cheese and network with fellow bloggers. While that happens we would pass some Safety kart products around to be reviewed by bloggers. The objective is to create a traction for this portal with the power of blogging. We think that all in our country should get to know about safety and the various products available to stay prepared at the face of danger. It’s a novel concept and Social Potpourri is trying to send the word out there through the best means known to it – writing about it of course.  🙂

Doesn’t it sound healthy from all angles? The moment I read about it, I wanted to join the fun.

Safety is one word that’s way too important and I think it is our right to stand up for it. And looking at the times, the need of the hour is that each one of us should be geared up to protect oneself.

Putting it simple, the meet is going to be about knowing a brand, reviewing its products, holding discussions, and doing it all over wine, music, cheese and laughter. Of course I am looking forward to meeting some great people.


Check out more : SAFETYKART

Lets know Social Potpourri and their earlier MEETS better and in a larger way, click the links to read about them and check out the pictures, of course they say a lot…..

SP:   Update on the Last Meets

The Meets or Bloggers Union have been unique, special and one of its kinds. They have varied in thoughts and action and have ranged from food, cooking, business networking, writers, book readings, fashion makeovers, colors and what not.

 To read more about the fun and adventure, don’t forgot to check the pictures and the write-ups.

Srijana’s Lebanese Workshop with SP

Signing of the book


Let’s Party at The Guvment

A Fabulous Meet – Construction Of A Writer’s Mind

At the ‘Design Your Thing’ Meet

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Happy Meeting and Blogging!!!

If you are in Delhi/NCR and wish to join us on 9th March, Please drop a comment below and  join up at

14 thoughts on “Social Potpourri Meet-Up !!! SAFETY COMES FIRST!!!

  1. This is a lovely post about SP and its meets, past and present. The upcoming one ( 9th March) with SafetyKart is going to be an interesting meet with our favorite bloggers. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Congratulations to the concept generator, the Promoter of He has discharge his social responsibility apart from business alone. Especially when, now India is gaining foot hold on SAFETY as a priority at all locations and as a part of life, realizing the need for Safety.

    1. Hi Ajit, Definitely the concept was what I loved about it.. Atleast not the government, but the people could work out for their own safety…

  3. Pingback: The KART-ful of Safety that came with loads of Fun!!! | Pendown

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