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This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

The Best thing in life is……..

The Best thing in life is LOVE. And the four letters of this sweetest word speak about its glory to the highest. Its presence in all forms has made mine and everyone’s life beautiful. I would love to describe it my way.

L— Longings that I see in his eyes make me fall in LOVE with him everyday.

O— Omnipresent are the blessings of my parents who LOVE me more than anyone can do.

V— Vows and promises are meaningless without LOVE, my friend. 

E— Enormous is my strength and eternal is my length, measure me not, says LOVE.

Love is like oxygen to our body.  When a child opens his/her eyes in this world for the first time, it is love that embraces the little one in the form of his/her parents and the family members and hence they become our loved ones from day one. It is love that keeps relationships.  In fact we are born out of love. Life has no meaning without Love.

Its very important to show our love for our loved ones. Many a times we shy away from saying it to them, especially our parents. I feel they are the first people whom we should thank everyday and pray to God that their endless shower of love never ends. The power of love, try out and see for yourself.

I have the best people around me and without them I am nothing. They all love me and I know that’s what keeps my life going. LOVE is magical is all that I have to say. It is bliss. It has the biggest strength to enliven the weakest.  So keep loving and keep flourishing.



Two of my posts related to Love

LEISURE, LOVE, LIFE– enjoy and soak no more!!
Its Love Marriage for me….

16 thoughts on “TO LOVE and TO BE LOVED

  1. Very sweet post. I also agree that it is important for us to tell those close to us that we love them and also show them through our gestures.

  2. There is a theory that the amount of love one receives is proportional to the amount of love they show to others. Well, I formed this theory. Right now, while commenting. LOL.

    Destination Infinity

    1. @Destination Infinity– Quite a nice theory maker you are…but so true it is!! Thanks for the visit here. 🙂

  3. Lovely take on the theme!! Love is that magical word that conquers all! All the best for the contest! 🙂

  4. try living without love fer a day, u cant… it makes u live n it makes u alive… itz a blessing to b loved… try being a blessings of others lives….

    1. Life without love is absolutely empty… Absolutely agree with You Shishir Sir . Thanx for the comment 🙂

  5. yes d best thing in life is Love..whether its in any form, any relation….
    u actually feel like living if u have sumone to love and to be loved..

  6. Pingback: Keeping my fingers crossed….. | Pendown

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