Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Lets Speak, lets Do the needed

Happy Hour, AbMontuBolega, Strepsils, Cleaner India

Over last few months, its been encouraging to see the ministers, celebrities of our country with brooms in their hands not just for the votes or photogenic headlines but for a social campaign. I wonder why no one bothered to think about it or the efforts of others were not highlighted for all these years. But as the saying goes, its never too late to begin. Lets talk about it now. Its need of the hour that we all realized that its not just our houses which need to be spic-span, our neighborhood, the nearby market, the railway station, the city we live in, everything deserves and makes for a clean environment.

Just like Montu from the Strepsils campaign, #AbMontuBolega does not fear from standing for the right, we can all stand together for clean India.  Since the cleanliness drive has picked momentum, lets join in and use the power of voice. A lot can be done by introspecting our own actions, setting good examples before our children and keeping a positive attitude towards the desire of bringing a change in our country.

  • Lets pick the broom each day

Not a moment can we spend in a house that smells yuck. True!  Haven’t we all grown up seeing our parents take care of the dishes, furniture, books, tools and overall of the whole house with or without the maids. Of course its our generation where we find ourselves helpless without external help but its important we keep in the practice. Just as our body deserves a daily wash, our surroundings too lust for hygienic actions. First thing first, we must keep our houses clean. With this we are ensuring a check on germs, insects and diseases not only in our own house but also in our neighbors house.

  • Introspection is a must

What example are we setting before our children when we throw things out of our moving cars or pick our garbage packet and dump in front of our neighbor’s gate?  We all just love to put away the unwanted from our own buckets and putting it somewhere else. Once it gone from our house or car, we feel our job is done. But the roads or other places where we are putting the garbage is also ours, lets realize this fact. Until we check ourselves, we cant go preaching around. The younger generation will not even listen to us if they realize these facts before us. Thus lets practice as well as show the kids what is right and what is expected of them too.

  • We need toilets, trash bins in abundance please

Oh I hate it when people just pee anywhere in India. We are fighting with the problem of open defecation but what about those who live in the cities. Can we have clean public toilets all around the city for both men and female. One has to look for a Mall for a clean toilet but everywhere you don’t have a mall. Next, I don’t mind walking an extra mile for disposing the waste in the garbage bin but only if I am sure I would find one. There are many areas which just do not have garbage bins or they are so littered up that its difficult to go close. The concerned authorities must place the garbage bins at every nook and corner and I am sure people will look for it.

  • Attitude change from the core is desirable

Why is that we become hundred percent alert when we enter foreign locations. The smallest of toffee wrapper goes in our pockets and not on the streets because we fear fines, laws, humiliation. The same fear just flies off when we are back on our homeland, the sensibilities are gone because here there isn’t anyone to nab us  and at first place whose bothered about public places and properties. Are we really so mean? When we return from beautiful and clean places, our tongues don’t stop bragging about it, its so clean, so well-kept, etc etc. Ever wondered what do people talk when they come to India- dirty railway stations, people spitting on roads, paan stained corners, cigarette stubs here and there and more. Not just small, lets think from bigger perspective. Our attitude can keep our city clean, attract more tourists, boost tourism and contribute to the economy growth.

  • Can we have a helpline number for cleanliness?

The municipal bodies along with the authorities have won themselves a reputation over the years. Its high time they pull up their socks. For times immemorial they have been escaping from their duties and ignoring plans for proper garbage and sewerage disposal systems.  Suppose you needed trash bins for your area or you wanted the smelling garbage dump to be removed, do you really know whom to call. I would say I don’t know because whenever I have called the concerned authorities, the first answer I have got is ‘This doesn’t come under our work, you need to call so and so and then you know where this is going to lead you.’ None owns up and we feel frustrated. Thus, I would sincerely request to have workable helpline numbers where every help with respect to cleanliness can be found.


This is my post for Happy Hour with Strepsils  #AbMontuBolega for CLEANER INDIA campaign.

The campaign is launched by Strepsils in social interest to put across the idea that we need to speak to set things right. The idea is to spread the word that we can be calm and still speak up for the right causes. Just blaming others won’t do, the onus lies on us because we are responsible citizens of the country. Thus lets speak up now because we all have the power to act right and question the wrong just like Montu. 

Follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter here.

Photo courtesy: Indiblogger

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