PHOTOGENIC SATURDAY – On the smoggy Saturday, I started from Sector 28 metro station in Faridabad at 9 and reached Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium at 10:15 a.m. to be a part of 7th edition of Canon Photo Marathon. When I reached the gate number 19 of JLN, I easily found my way to the main hall. On-the-spot registrations were still on but the most energetic bunch had already grabbed their seats in the auditorium. People from different parts of NCR had walked in for this photographic celebration. The youngest participants came from standard 7th. Honestly, I was surprised to see a huge turn out. I thought Delhiites loved only food but I had just been proved wrong, they loved photography too. In fact, this was my first time and I was also pretty excited to be a part of one of the largest live photography contest.
First and foremost, let me clear this doubt which many of friends had me later. One does not need a CANON camera to participate in this marathon. One can click pictures from any camera apart from mobile and tablet cameras, just that the pictures have to be clicked in the given duration. However the brand loyalists did have certain advantages. For instance, they could avail free cleaning of the lenses and sensor. There were other advance products showcased by the brand too.

CANON PHOTO MARATHON 2016 – The idea of running around with the camera sounded really cool to me. On a thoughtful note, I also wondered what would the people with heavy lenses and huge camera accessories do. Will they run too? Of course, I am kidding! Well, the contest was definitely not about running around here and there but I did meet people who traveled to different corners of Delhi to fetch their best compositions for the given themes. Some went to as far as Chandi Chowk, DND, Ashram etc. Once the theme was revealed, the participants were given three hours to get the best shot, submit it and sit back peacefully. Three three themes of the contest were- EXPRESSIONS, FLAVORS OF DELHI and PEACE. My favorite part of the event was capturing the expressions of the excited bunch of students from 17 schools of Delhi. It was absolutely heartening to see the young champs at work. When I interacted with them, I also learnt that most of them has been practicing photography for past 2 years. And trust me the winning photos left me in total awe. All that I can say for now is that future of photography looks splendid to me.
I have a confession, I still struggle with the manual mode of my camera. If you have read my last few posts I am sure you know that my first DLSR (1300 D) is pretty new and ever since I have brought it I have been carrying it to all the places that I have traveled to in the past few months. The clicks brought down from Mauritius, South Africa, Bhutan, Ladakh, Alwar, Varanasi, Hyderabad have really added value to my blog posts. The goal for the next few months is that I really have to learn the tricks of the trade. The seminar by Jaminder Oberoi that took place after the contest was quite an eye-opener. It was a lot for beneficial for those who look forward to take up photography as a profession but there was much to learn for people like me too.

The theme for ‘Student category’ – Expressions!!!
It was for the first time that the Japanese brand had decided to rope in the young talents too and I am sure they will make it a practice now. This time, there for a special category for students from 7 to 12 standard. The kids were given 3 hours to keep within the premises of JLN stadium and click the best expressions. It was a delight to see them do their stuff so candidly. I captured some of their pretty expressions. At their age, I din’t even own a camera. I was extremely happy for them who had it and were using it so well. If I had to compare with them, I think I am still not making enough efforts to learn photography. They were so focused, talented and creative.

The above picture makes for the most photogenic wall that I have seen in the recent times. The windows serve as perfect eyes. I must applaud the kid for drawing the nose and the lips before taking the picture. It is a perfect expression!
With 1300 D in tow, I did click my own pictures along the lines of the themes. The first theme was ‘Flavors of Delhi’ and second was “Peace’.

My thoughts on my photo: When the used food boxes and disposable glasses are put in the bin, Delhi looks most beautiful. The best flavors of Delhi can only be enjoyed when it is kept neat and clean.

The students had only one theme for them. For others there were two themes. The second theme was ‘Peace’.
In the above picture, ‘The Delhi smog, the sun and the bird were all at peace with each other.’

I did not stay till the announcements of the prizes but I did attend the seminar by Jasminder Oberoi. It was very impressive. I promise to share the notes in the next blog. Overall, it was quiet an eventful day and I came back enriched.
The Canon Photomarathon is taking place in Mumbai on 26th NOV ’16. Go for it!
Happy Blogging! Follow my updates @manjulika5
Pictures speak so much when taken the right way. I am sure the kids had a lot of fun 😀