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How To Start A Travel Blog That Stands Out From The Crowd

Travel writer from Delhi

Between Instagram stories of picturesque sunsets and TikToks revealing hidden gems, it seems like there are so many travellers out there curating their journeys throughout the digital realm, but trust me blogging stands out. Whether you’re documenting weekend road trips or globe-trotting on a budget, there’s an art to creating a blog that not only attracts readers but has them coming back for more. What sets a successful travel blog apart from the rest isn’t just beautiful photos or adventurous destinations, but a unique voice, an intentional layout, and solid content that’s engaging and useful. So how to start a travel blog and how do you stand out? 

Here’s how most of the travel bloggers go about it….

1.Pick a Cohesive Theme and Layout 

Long before you pen your first travel articles, there are a couple of key things to consider regarding the layout of your blog. The truth is, we are all visual creatures so your theme and layout determine the feel of everything that follows. 

A sleek, professional layout can signal to readers that your content is worth sticking around for, while a muddled, messy web design may put them off before they’ve even read a single post. Pick a blog design/theme  that is best suited for the type of travel you intend to write about, and one that also represents your personality. Are you a minimalist who loves slow, intentional travel? Or perhaps you’re all about vibrant cities and fast-paced adventures? Whatever your style, make sure that your blog design speaks to who you are as a writer.

Make navigation easy for your readers. A clean and minimal layout ensures that your users can browse through the latest posts and categories with ease. There is nothing wrong with having a few widgets here and there on your blog, including maybe a few ads. But remember not to go overboard because it can become annoying for your readers. Focus on a strong header, clear fonts, and a colour scheme that reflects the essence of your travel brand. Landing on your homepage should make readers feel that they are in the middle of an immersive story.

And one more thing: Never underestimate the power of a good profile photo. Your face is the brand of your blog, and a high-quality, engaging image that captures your personality can go a long way in making a strong first impression. A poorly lit or grainy image won’t do you any favours in building credibility with your audience, so be sure to enlist the help of tools like a profile photo maker which will make ALL the difference!

2.Buckle Down On Your Niche 

There are a lot of travel blogs around, so distinguishing your unique corner on the internet is crucial. Our best advice? Buckle down on your own personal niche instead of trying to cater to everybody (which isn’t even possible anyway!). Ask yourself not only what kind of travel excites you the most, but also who else you are aside from a ‘travel blogger’. Luxury travel, budget backpacking, family trips or perhaps solo female travel? You will appeal to readers who are actually interested in what you have to say by narrowing your focus.

Having a niche also helps to establish yourself as an authority on that specific type of travel. Readers will come to trust what you have to say, whether it’s about the best hidden gems to explore or how to use a subway system in another country. It’s about building a loyal community around shared interests, rather than chasing after fleeting viral moments.

And remember, your niche should align with your passion. If you’re genuinely excited about the type of travel you’re blogging about, that passion is going to bleed through naturally in your writing, making it easier to connect with your readers. The internet is already full of inauthentic and hyper-curated content, so it pays to be different/say what others won’t. In any space, authenticity reigns.

3.Prioritise Quality Content

You might think that all you need to do to start a travel blog is post some pretty pictures and be on your way. However the truth is that successful travel bloggers understand the importance of consistently delivering high-quality content. Stunning photos are included in the package, but so long as you provide some kind of value with your writing. More than just a gallery, readers are here to hear tips, insights and stories they can relate to. 

So, make sure your blog posts are well-researched and offer something that other blogs don’t. Perhaps it’s an in-depth guide to a lesser-known destination, a packing list for a unique adventure, or personal stories that your audience can relate to. The more informative and engaging your content is, the more likely people will be to return and share your content with others.

Also, focus on storytelling. Rather than just listing the places you visited or things you did, tell a story about your experience. What challenges did you face? What were your most interesting and memorable interactions? Is there anything you didn’t like about your travel destination? At the end of the day, stories give your travel blog depth and make it more engaging for your readers.

4.It’s All About Patience and Consistency 

Starting a travel blog that stands out doesn’t happen overnight. Building a blog is more like a marathon than a sprint. It requires consistent effort over time. Whether you’re posting once a week or twice a month, consistency helps to build an audience that knows when to anticipate new content. 

But don’t get discouraged if you’re not getting massive traffic right away. A good travel blog can take months or years to pull together, and even longer for it to make a profit. Stay focused on creating content and engaging with your audience and you will grow eventually. It really is about the long game.

That said, in the meantime — keep posting on social media, replying to blog comments, and staying active in travel communities. These small efforts can help you grow your readership and visibility.

5.Invest in SEO and Social Media Promotion

It’s not enough to just write great content and hope and pray to the gods that people will find it. You need to actively promote your blog if you want it to stand out. This is where search engine optimisation (SEO) comes in very handy.

Optimising your content for search engines will greatly increase your chances of being found by those searching for travel tips. Focus on using relevant keywords in your blog posts, creating descriptive titles, and using meta descriptions. A well-optimised blog post can continue to bring in traffic months or even years after you’ve written it.

Social media is another great way to promote your travel blog. If you publish a blog, don’t forget to share it on Instagram, X, Pinterest, Facebook etc. TikTok and YouTube are also good platforms to express your travels through video if you’re up for it. The key is to not spread yourself too thin — choose a few social media platforms that work best for you and focus your efforts there.

6.Collaborate and Network

And lastly, don’t shy away from collaborating with other travel bloggers, brands or even tourism boards. Partnerships are an amazing way for your blog to get noticed and reach wider audiences. Guest posting on other travel blogs or being featured in travel-related publications can give your blog an instant credibility boost, on top of also providing you with plenty of opportunities to accrue travel stories you otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to pursue. And of course, networking with others in the travel community can lead to future collaborations, inspiration, and support as you grow your blog. 

So, get out there and start mingling with like-minded individuals. You never know what opportunities will come knocking on your door.

Travel Opportunities waiting for you

So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of travel blogging, make it yours. Embrace what excites you, share your adventures with authenticity, and let your personality drive the narrative. Most of the blogs that resonate with readers in a sea of content aren’t the ones that follow a formula — they’re the ones that reflect real passion and unique experiences. 

The journey will not always be smooth sailing — but with time, imagination and love for what you do, your travel blog will grow into something that stands out from the crowd and resonates with people who want to come along for the ride. 

Now, all that’s left is to get started — Happy travels!

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