Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

My beautiful optimistic and Look Up story

In life, more than joys and sorrows, its about happy and sad moments and how we live them. The wise people always say that we should try and maintain calm and composure in all situations of life and look forward to positively always.


If we really look around to stand and stare, the joys and happiness of life lie in  little things. A sumptuous breakfast of your choice, a beautiful flower in the garden, little baby’s smile, parents encouraging words, partner’s hug, favorite lunch box, appreciation mail, an easy fulfilling day etc. These are about everyday sweet nothings but there are some things in life for which we plan and set goals and their achievement too gives us optimism and hope for the future. Graduating with flying colors, doing good in career, booking a car, moving in your own house, getting married, giving birth are other things in life that bring optimism in life, our world and future.

On most of the days, I wake up all excited and enthusiastic looking forward to a meaningful day. I am happy and positive about the proceedings of the day. Even if some of the things do not go as planned, they do not affect me. But on the contrary there are few days in  month when I feel hopeless and drained on energy especially when I am ill or physically unfit.

Fiver years ago it happened so that I was diagnosed with jaundice and I had to opt for bed rest for more than a month. Even post recuperation, I felt too low in my life. Since I always felt weak and less on energy,  I could not walk around much, attend work etc. Even my favorite job of reading books did not put the smile back on my house. The doctors were saying that I was improving but something inside me did not give me a very encouraging feel.

During this time I also stopped blogging. Since it had not been long since I had become a blogger thus I was not very serious about it too. However, one comment, one like and one appreciation on the blog-post is a great cheer-up for a writer. One night I could not sleep well and felt very anxious, nervous and depressed about my life, career. I was just six months old in my new job and already on bed rest for a month. That night I wrote a blog-post about my actual state and how I was becoming a sad person. It was a depressing article but believe me I felt extremely weighed off after venting my feelings. After writing a really long post, I slept. Since no one in my family knew I was a blogger and neither did I have a network of friends, I wasn’t bothered who was reading it. I was sure it would remain anonymous.

Next morning,, when I got up I had a beautiful comment on the article. It really made me look up to my life in a better way. My reader had typed in a beautiful message anonymously-  ‘Everything will be OK, be positive, be optimistic and you will be hale and hearty soon. Nothing lasts for ever. Good days will come. You will soon feel cheerful. Nothing will happen to your job. Also Don’t forget to blog everyday because I will come back to read your blog post. ‘

Whenever I feel disheartened or feel low thinking where is my life heading, this old story from my initial blogging days comes to pep me up optimistically. 

4 thoughts on “My beautiful optimistic and Look Up story

  1. Yes, that is a really motivating comment from your reader.

    Even i have been low many times in my life, but i am learning to be positive every time and just look for things to brighten up without being bogged down by current situation.

  2. As the song goes , ” Some days are diamond, some days are stone.” There will be good and bad days. There are some days when I feel terribly depressed, especially since I am going through the toughest personal and professional phase of my life. But I cheer up myself , saying ” This , too, shall pass.”
    Keep posting. I like reading your heartfelt and sincere posts.

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