Young parents can wear their travel pants because the time has arrived when babies will love to have their day or days out traveling in trains with no fuss. Travel train marketplace, RailYatri which was conceived to simplify train travel has some really good news for the little ones as well as their parents. The problem of baby milk on train seems to have been resolved now. Parents with infants in tow will not have to reconsider the idea of traveling with trains because procuring warm and hygienic milk will no longer be a problem. At first place, you must carry enough for them but if you forget or need more, you can always avail the facility of ordering with the help of the RailYatri app.
While traveling with our 1 year six months old niece, our family faced this problem for the first time. We did not have enough milk and we did not know whom to ask for. We did carry milk in the bottle but it had become stale. So anyone who has been in our shoes will know why I feel for this cause and have chosen to talk about it.
The unpredictable delays are part and parcel of our train timetables and doing a train journey with an infant is not an easy task. Thus, I value this thoughtful solution on behalf of everyone who has felt the need for baby milk and also those who would value it in future. This can be very comforting in times of emergency or when you are doing long journeys using railways.
A hungry baby can be a very noisy co-passenger. I have seen it myself how its gets almost impossible to console the infants when they are crying their heart out. Moreover, it pains to see a baby crying due to hunger. The first thing that comes in anyone’s mind is to give them some milk and make their tummy full. Especially during traveling, it gets very difficult for their parents to carry enough to keep them smug and happy. Also, one just cannot give them cold or stale milk. I am glad that RailYatri will now be serving all the goodness of milk at designated stations in many routes.

When it concerns babies, one cannot compromise on the hygiene and quality of the milk served to them. To ensure this, RailYatri has already proposed that they will be using specially designed spill-proof thermo packages to make it convenient for both delivery and instant consumption. Special care is needed and will be taken to deliver the milk in perfect packaging (state-of-art thermos). It will not only resolve the risk of spilling but will also maintain the temperature. In the past, RailYatri has been serving every meal package with all round guarantee. They promise hygienic kitchens and assured delivery.
If you wish to avail this service, RailYatri app is all that you need to have in your smartphone and it can be booked in a quick 3-step process. A 500ml pack will cost you Rs 79. The services are already active in many stations including Lucknow, Nagpur, Aligarh, Mugalsarai, Jhansi.
The steps to follow are as below:
Open the app
Look for Rail Mall (Travel Marketplace)
Click for Food on Train
Check for Kids Special
Hot Milk is right there!
Personally, I want this initiative to be a success. I want to see more and more people using it. On the opposite front, the milk should be delivered on time and as promised. I see it as a great help for the young parents as well the hungry babies.
Overall, these smart and important solutions will add to making our train experience more comfortable and enjoyable. We must use technology to simplify more such problems, and I really hope RailYatri comes up with more such useful initiatives in future.
What do you have to say about this solution? Have you traveled in a train with a baby and felt the need for milk? Do share your views in the comments below and keep traveling.
Phew, it was such a relief to find out from your article that there are so many convenient ways nowadays to keep our kids in a good mood during a train ride. My niece has been planning to travel by train with her family next week. I’ll forward this article to her so she’ll make the right reservation later.