Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Social Distancing – Gond Art Work

Art work around COVID 19

Panic will not help but talking about the virus in a positive way will definitely be a value addition in preventing the spread. We must take lessons from other countries where the numbers have been on a rise and analyze. All across the world, scientists, doctors, experts and the leadership are insisting on ways and means to flatten the curve. Some of the magical and most powerful words that must be learned by hard are “Personal hygiene”, “Social distancing”, “Community care”, “Quarantine” and “Self-Isolation”.

I am sure we all know by now that its very-very important to keep washing hands and stop touching our nose and face. This is the best way to keep the virus away, there is more too. While we take care of ourselves, we have to try and prevent the spread. The best way is to curtail the social hangouts, travels, meets, parties and practice SOCIAL DISTANCING. You don’t have to do this for yourself but also for others.

Make sure each one educates one.


Social Distancing!

So what is social distancing? It is about maintaining distance from one another for some time. On a normal day, we would all travel in public transport, meet our office colleagues, interact over tea, socialize in the evenings or go for travels but for now we need to give up on them. Because, it helps to contain the spread of the virus. WHO has been recommending to maintain a distance and we must abide by it because you never know who may be carrying the virus, unknowingly. Handshakes, hugs and kisses must be avoided for now. Save them for later.

So why is it important?

Because if you keep distance from people. You will not get infected. Also if someone is an asymptomatic (a patient who is a carrier for a disease or infection but experiences no symptoms), you might even not know and get infected.

The power of social distancing
Picture courtesy : Google!

So while I am stay put in Vijayawada and I have not been feeling like writing about past travels, I have been dabbling with my old hobby of making meaningful drawings. Here is the most recent art work which tries to picture social distancing and just the present scenario in Gond Art!

Why I used Gond Art to show social distancing?

A little explanation –

I have used the most peaceful creatures to say ‘Social distancing’ should be a priority.

The masks are just to say “We have to believe in science and facts and salute the doctors. It will be fine”.

The globe is well protected because I believe that nature will take care of ailing “Earth”, if we do.

Gond Art comes from Madhya Pradesh, (heart of India), so that’s the best way to send “love” to the whole world to heal soon.

Keep washing your hands and keep maintaining social distance till everyone becomes healthy and we beat this virus called COVID 19, which has really shaken the world.

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