Experiential travel stories from India and 31 other countries!

Sustainable India : A Day Spent with Empowered Women of Indian Villages

Sustainable India

Exploring the roots of India (Villages)!


What is the first image that conjures up in your mind when you think of Indian villages? Small settlements, countryside, agricultural fields, hamlet, thatched cottages, simplicity, ruralism as a way of life, lack of city-like facilities or more. Despite the fact that a larger section of Indian population lives in villages, we city-dwellers frown upon villages as if we have never had a connection with them. However, the truth is that a village is the most ancient form where humans came to live together by making a living through agriculture. It was one of the biggest breakthrough of our evolution.  But as came the cities, we forgot about our roots.



Honestly, there was a time when I would sulk about traveling to my father’s ancestral home in Dudahi near Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh. I would love meeting my grandparents, the big house, the landscape, the lush green fields, the simple and honest people, community like feeling but being a city kid, I would start feeling uncomfortable within a few days. The prime reason was lack of certain facilities and infrastructure. Of course, I was too young to raise a question that even though villages were supposed to be self-sufficient, they possessed big chunks of agricultural fields and had rich families living in there, why were the villagers always marred by the glaring issue of poverty and illiteracy? After visiting a number of villages in different states of India, I can easily say that these were not born with these problems. It is just that we have never made enough efforts to resolve the real issues. What we lacked then and even now is that in the hurry to make cities, we forgot to make our villages sustainable and progressive.



Village, South India
A Day Spent with People & Communities of Rural India in and around Mysore city.



Sustainable India
Take a trip to explore the beautiful villages of India!



Mysore, Aanganwaadi
Colorful Aanganwaadi in one of the villages of Mysore!



Thank God, not everyone forgot to look back to the villages!

While most of us were too enamored by our city life and forgot to look back to our villages, not everyone did. The good news is that not all villages lack facilities. Not all have lost the road to progress. And not all have poverty as a major issue. While the government has been rolling out policies every now and then, there have been some trusts and organizations who have been working in tandem to help the villagers reap the benefits of these policies. When the aim is to make the people self-sufficient, they have to be guided to be able to start their small businesses. It may sound easy but it isn’t when it comes to convincing the villagers who are not very educated. I realized this recently, when I got a chance to explore five villages of Mysore with Srinivasan Services Trust (SST), the social arm of TVS Motor Company. It is one of the oldest trusts that has been working for last 20 years and believes in empowering the villages than making them dependent on charity. 



Places and the highlights of the day!

  1. Sindhuvalli  –  A visit to SST office to meet the officers in charge and to understand their way of working.
  2. Uthanalli  –  Visited a school, interacted with the members of a Self Help Group whose ladies are involved in basket weaving.
  3.  Doora – This is where I met the families who have been practicing pot making and how they have made it a self sustaining business. I also got a chance to try my hands at pottery making.
  4.  TVS plant – I only got a chance to eat at the canteen.
  5. Byathalli – This is where I met the Chapaati making unit.
  6. Badanavalu – Attended an SHG meet, met the ladies who are involved in tailoring business. Also visited an Anganwaadi center.



They stitch and earn moneyAll that matters is the right guidance!! The main aim of SST is to support the villagers in the formation of sustainable Self Help Groups (SHG) so that banks can easily lend money to these small businesses. 



As 2017 is the ‘Year of Sustainability’, this was an enriching opportunity to see and meet people/communities who had progressive stories to share. I liked the fact that a lot of women from these several villages came to meet me to talk about their work, their different SHG (Self-help group) and how they had achieved financial independence with the guidance of SST and Gram Panchayats. Each of them quoted a lump sum amount of their earnings and savings every month. They amazed me by saying that they knew how to operate their bank accounts and regularly got the passbooks updated. The best thing that has happened to them is that they have all become super confident. The way they talked and put across their questions to me was absolutely heartwarming. These women too had the same dreams and aspirations as every other mother who wants a better future for their kids and they were ready to walk the extra miles to give the best to them. 



Srinivasan Services Trust (SST)
The day started with the visit to a school and my meeting with the Self help group of basket weavers.



Empowered Women
This was a room full of these women who dedicate 3 to 4 hours into basket weaving.



Basket weavers, Mysore
These baskets used to be sold for Rs. 35 by middlemen but now the ladies negotiate much better prices themselves.



School kids
With the school kids- SST also helps in the building of schools, toilets for girls and boys. It also provides for good teachers and gives scholarship to bright students. 



Pottery making, Mysore village
We traveled to the neighboring village where I met the members of this self help group who earn through pottery making. 



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                                            This is where I took my first lessons in pottery too! 



Sustainable India
After lunch, I went to see the Chapaati making unit where these women come together to make 5000 chapattis everyday. 



Empowered Women!!

My tourism-centered travels often take me to scenic cities, picturesque towns, cozy villages but this trip was special as it put me in front of the locals who had real stories to tell. I loved meeting my own people. These women inspired me in their own way because they had dared to step out of their houses to solve their common problems through selfhelp and mutual help. It is here where SST acts as a facilitator and guides them into making something concrete out of it. First and foremost, they are taught to save whatever little they can. Moreover, they also learn decision-making, working in tandem, helping each other in need, aiming targets, repayment of loans and group development. 



Agriculture is not an all-season occupation and therefore villagers often need financial support in the off seasons. This is when these monthly savings earned by working in an SHG comes handy. I could see that entrepreneurship has not only filled these ladies with great confidence but has also given them the power of buying. I really liked the confidence with which they told me about the number of baskets they sold, or the sarees they had bought for themselves and the trips they do to take a break from work. This is the perfect sign of sustainable India and a great way to stop the exploitation at the hands of middle men. 



Before this I had only heard about it all but I was really happy about meeting the real game changers (Village Development Officers and Head In Charge) who were making a difference at the grass-root level. It was absolutely heartening to see how certain organizations are making huge difference in the lives of people with the mission to facilitate the process of sustainable development in villages by deploying skills and resources.



When the ladies of different self help groups came to meet me at the Anganwaadi
When the ladies of different self help groups came to meet me at the Anganwaadi



Where the women decide for themselves, even their saree colors



A perfect case of seeing and believing!


Srinivasan Services Trust started from merely two villages in 1996 and today it works in over 5000 villages touching 3.14 million lives. SST facilitates men and women to form SHGs (Self-help groups) and Panchayat leaders and community representatives in these villages to come together to help villages develop in a holistic and sustainable manner, creating self-reliant communities across 6 core areas: Economic Development, Health & Sanitation, Health, Infrastructure, Women Empowerment, Education and Environment. 



Srinivasan Services Trust.
The major focus areas of Srinivasan Services Trust (SST).


If you thought TVS motors was only about motorcycles, scooters and three wheeler, its time to think again.


16 thoughts on “Sustainable India : A Day Spent with Empowered Women of Indian Villages

  1. What an excellent post. It is inspiring that the women of these villages are so financially empowered. They have used their skills to earn money and to no longer be taken advantage of by middlemen. I really wish I had got a chance to visit when I went to Mysuru.

  2. Detailed post about this lovely social and a sustainable change that is being executed at this place in Mysore. I strongly feel that if you give food to a person then you are feeding him for a day but if you are providing knowledge then it is a food for life.

  3. This looks like a cool experience and you are lucky to be a part of it. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about the treatment of women in India. Hence, it is good that there is an initiative like this to empower women out there.

  4. Wow, this is a big help to the villages and growing so fast. The rate it’s grown to helping over 5000 villages and over 3 million people is amazing. This must be making a huge difference to the villages and the country.

  5. Your words – ‘we city-dwellers frown upon villages as if we have never had a connection with them’, are an eye-opener. I hated visiting my grandparents house when I was a kid. ved your idea of spending a day in a village and interacting and getting to know people. I would really like to do that someday. Though the villages are small, villagers’s hearts are big – its always inversely proportional. Loved the diyas that you made. Great initiative.

  6. This is such an illuminating post. It is good to be able to do what you have done – visiting and sharing about life in these places in general. It definitely brings out the lesser known aspects of life and is vastly encouraging for these people. Though I have not been to this particular place, I did manage a few visits around Mandya where life is similar. It was fun interacting with the locals and understanding their way of life. Well captured Manjulika and here is to more of such stories.

  7. What an amazing cause! I actually just got back from India myself and its shocking to see how many small villages have limited resources such as not access to a bathroom, children begging for money to eat etc I was heartbroken. You are very lucky to being able to empower the women in India. It was very noticeable how sexism is a high impact on today’s India society. Great read. – Mariella

  8. This post is so beautiful! I love how they have thes type of villages in India. Lots of women got help and improved their lives through this. This is a great experience that I would love to do if I visit India one day.

  9. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about the hard working ladies and their development. Being associated with a similar SH group in my hometowns for years, your post just made me realise how life of the village women is inspiring for many others in the country. It is really commendable how these women have learnt to be self sufficient and also manage their finances efficiently.

  10. I am glad you brought the Social aspect of TVS to the forefront. Never knew about the CSR activities of TVS until this post of yours.
    A visit to these units humble us beyond words,isn’t it? And suddenly we tend to see life with a new perspective.

    TVS used to be one of the finest employers of yesteryears and they were like family to my uncle’s who worked for them for decades 🙂

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